Im Folgenden finden Sie eine kleine Auswahl von öffentlich geförderten Projekten. Durch die Vielzahl erfolgreich abgewickelter Projekte haben sich zwischenzeitlich vorwiegend industrielle F&E-Projekte entwickelt, die selbstverständlich nicht genannt werden dürfen, da Sie der Geheimhaltung unterliegen.


FORCARBON (Carbon Research Association)

Research Association of the Bavarian Research Foundation. Project: “Interface optimisation in carbon fibre reinforced composite materials”, in cooperation with the University of Erlangen, Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik (carbon technology), DaimlerChrysler and Linn High Therm

“ProInno” Programme BMWA (German Ministry for Economics and Labour)

Grants for the following projects: “Development of innovative high-performance ceramic components with a silicon carbide base” and “Development of innovative components for electromagnetic interference suppression in low-power electric motors using optimised ceramic materials”

Bavarian Research Network for Ceramic Material Development and Process Technology

Financed by the Bavarian Research Foundation

Letter from the Bavarian Trade and Industry Secretary, Dr. Otto Wiesheu

“Sintertechnik projects receive financial backing from the State of Bavaria”

Start Up

Start-up competition organised as a joint venture between McKinsey & Company, Gruner & Jahr AG, Illustrierte Stern (weekly news magazine) and the Deutscher Sparkassen- and Giroverband (German Savings Banks Association): awarded 2nd place in the special award category “Succession” amongst the 5 first places in Germany.

BAIKA Bavarian Innovation and Cooperation Initiative for the Automotive Suppliers Industry

Project sponsors: Bayern Innovativ. Sintertechnik GmbH is part of an association of 700 companies with over 50 confidential cooperation projects


Joint research project between Sintertechnik GmbH, MAN Technologie AG, Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH (carbon technology) and the University of Erlangen: “Protective and Functional Coatings for Ceramic Materials” (refinement of silicate and oxide ceramic products)

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Sintertechnik GmbH
Altreuthstr. 18
D-91362 Pretzfeld

+49 9194 9550

+49 9194 4251


Montag bis Freitag: 08:00 – 18:00 Uhr